
How It Works
We want all clients to be comfortable with and fully understand all of the services we offer. Our ultimate goal is to educate the client with the processes required to achieve long-term "financial wellness". As a fiduciary, we are required to always put the clients best interests first. Being an independent and commission-free advisor allows us to provide unbiased advice and the freedom to serve clients of all incomes and net worth. Whether you are a recent graduate,
approaching retirement or somewhere in between we offer solutions for your short term and long term financial wellness needs. We will never apply any type of high pressure sales tactics and only offer no-nonsense solutions utilizing a common-sense approach. Strict standards assure that all of your information will be held in confidentiality.

We begin with a free, no obligation initial consultation. Prior to the initial consultation we will provide you with a client questionnaire that needs to be returned prior to our first meeting. During the initial consultation our first goal is to determine your needs and expectations. At that point, we will then explain to you in simple easy to understand terms the services we have to offer and all fees involved. If you decide to engage our services a client agreement will be signed by both parties. This agreement will detail the services you are to receive and all fees and payment terms.

Comprehensive Financial Planning
We will design a comprehensive, bottom-up plan designed specifically for each client based on their current situation and goals. This will cover all aspects of a sound financial plan including budgeting, debt management, short and long-term investing and savings, educational savings, insurance needs, estate and tax planning.
Financial Coaching
Financial coaching is an extension of our comprehensive financial planning. Following and maintaining a complete financial plan is a lifestyle event. We offer coaching and periodic checkups to help our clients stay on track fulfilling their goals and deter them from a return to the typical bad habits that obstruct financial freedom.


Investment Asset Management Through our Investment Management Account services we provide personalized management of your investments. Based on each clients individual goals, objectives, time horizons and risk tolerances will work with the client to create an Investment Policy Statement(IPS). The IPS will outline the clients needs and any restrictions that the client may impose. We will work with each client to educate them as to where and why their hard earned money is being invested. Included accounts are individual/joint, IRA's(regular and Roth), 401 rollovers and educational savings accounts.

Debt Management Mounting debt is one of the largest problems facing the typical household. The pressures to make monthly payments can be overwhelming. While there is no magic pill to eliminate debt, we can offer guidance and assurance in developing a plan to get out of debt. For those just starting out or those with little or no debt we can help guide you to stay debt free. Budgeting We will help our clients create a written budget and teach you how to utilize it day-to-day, month-to-month. A written budget may be the most important tool employed to get out of debt, stay out of debt and realize all of your financial goals and dreams.


Retirement Planning and Savings
We will help you develop your retirement goals and develop strategies to achieve these goals. After reaching retirement we will work with you to ensure your money lasts throughout your expected lifetime.
Review of Existing Benefits
We review your existing retirement benefits(IRA's, 401(k), 403(b), pensions, etc) for proper asset allocation, diversification, risk etc required to meet your financial goals
Estate Planning
We will review your current status regarding wills, powers of attorney, trusts, insurance needs and other related documents and make the recommendations to suit your needs.

Services Tailored To Your Personal Needs
While we typically recommend the Comprehensive Financial Planning service or our Financial Wellness Checkup we are happy to provide you with whatever service(s) you desire. There are no cookie cutter, one plan or service fits all. As life happens financial goals and needs change. We are here to provide you with the information and guidance required to enhance your individual situation both now and in the future.


Get Started Now! Get started now! Procrastination, complacency and frustration keeps most people from ever achieving the financial freedom and happiness they desire. Please call or email for more information or to schedule an appointment.